Curriculum Intent
At Little Weighton Rowley CE Primary School, we have designed our curriculum to develop our children’ essential knowledge, understanding and skills to form strong building blocks for their future learning and next steps in life. It incorporates the expectations of the National Curriculum and the Agreed Syllabus for R.E.
Our curriculum embraces our role as a school in a small rural community, whilst also providing a wide range of opportunities for children to learn about the world beyond Little Weighton. Our curriculum values children having opportunities to develop their interpersonal and social communication skills alongside the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and skills within identified subjects.
Our curriculum is shaped by our vision;
- We want children to hold tight to their convictions – know what is right and respectful; be responsible; understand and accept their own and others’ uniqueness, celebrate diversity
- We want children to ‘give it all they’ve got’ and be resolute – always be determined to do their best; resilient to keep trying; confident to try new things, show curiosity and take risks; be independent and organized
- We want children to ‘love without stopping’ – showing empathy and kindness towards each other; love and feel loved; belong and feel safe; be happy.
We value the individuality of all our children and are committed to giving them the opportunities to achieve in all aspects of their journey at Little Weighton Rowley.
Please click on the links below to see the curriculum intent for each subject.
Art Computing Design Technology English Geography History
Mathematics Modern Foreign Languages Music PSHCE P.E. R.E. Science
Further Information
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their children from R.E.
Should you require any further information about our curriculum please do not hesitate to contact us.