White Gap Road, Little Weighton, East Yorkshire HU20 3XE

Tel: 01482 844743

Little Weighton Rowley C of E Primary

Together We Can...

Our School Uniform

For school your child needs to wear our school uniform. This consists of;

  • royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (preferably with the school logo)
  • white, pale blue or royal blue polo shirt or white shirt
  • grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
  • blue checked cotton dresses can be worn in warmer weather

NB In cold weather please send your child with some tracksuit bottoms to go over shorts (if they prefer to wear shorts inside), or leggings to go under dresses.

Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts with our school logo are available from our suppliers, please use this link;


We also have some second hand-uniform available in school - please contact the school office for further information.

Children will need a pair of indoor trainers which will be worn around school and for indoor P.E. sessions. These need to be a plain colour (black, blue, grey or white).

P.E. Kits

For P.E. your child needs an indoor and outdoor kit. Children in Years 1 to 6 need to wear their P.E. kits to school on their P.E days. Your child's class teacher will inform you of your child's P.E. days.

  • emerald green school P.E shirt (preferably with the school logo)
  • black shorts/cycling shorts/skort
  • trainers and socks
  • black tracksuit bottoms/leggings and black sweatshirt/hoodie (plain without logos) for outdoor P.E /cold days 



Please click on this link to view our full school uniform policy.

LWR School Uniform Policy