Sport at Little Weighton Rowley
Year 3 /4 Indoor Athletics - January 2025
Our Year 3/4's headed to Cottingham High school for a friendly sports hall athletics competition. They gave their all in every race, even when faced with some difficult obstacles. They demonstrated determination and endurance, keeping a smile on their faces throughout. Some great results and lots of fun! Well done team.
Year 5 / 6 Indoor Athletics January 2025
Our Year 5/6 teams headed to Cottingham High school for the sports hall athletics competition.. They had to work hard and compete in every race, with other teams having a chance to rest. They demonstrated determination and endurance, keeping a smile on their faces throughout. Some great results and lots of fun! Well done team.
Year 5 / 6 Dodgeball Team - December 2024
Year 3 /4 Benchball Team - November 2024
Small Schools Area Football Finals - Autumn 2024
East Riding Cross Country Finals - Autumn 2024
Well done to the Year 3 / 4 Girls team, as well as Isobel from Year 6, who ran in the Cross Country East Roding Finals. It was a long course and they all finished strongly and with a smile on their faces. Super efforts all round.
Football Winners - Autumn 2024
Our ‘small school mixed’ football team had their first competitive outing today. They all played brilliantly and it was impossible to choose a player of the tournament! They won all their matches and progress to next round, next week A big well done to everyone - we are very proud of you!
Cross Country - Autumn 2024
Little Weighton Primary went out in force for this cross country event, with many of our Key Stage 2 children participating. There was super efforts from all children and lots of team and individual successes too. Our Year 3/4 girls came home as the winning team and progress to the finals, alongside Isobel who won the Year 5 / 6 girls race and Fearne who came in 3rd in her race. Well done everyone!
Sports Leaders
The Year 6 children took on the roles of being sports leaders this half term. They planned their own clubs, resourced and delivered them to the younger children in school. They all demonstrated excellent leadership skills and the younger children had lots of fun too! We will miss our Year 6s next year.
Lots of Key Stage 2 children took part in a fun orienteering activity at Cottingham, alongside other schools. They used their maps to retrieve letters around the field, learning accuracy and map reading skills. What a great evening!
Kwik Cricket
The children headed to Cottingham High (despite the rain!), ready to play cricket. They were up against some fierce competition and played their hearts out. There was some great batting and fielding, and Little Weighton came a valiant second.
Sports Day
Thankfully the rain held off and the sun tried to come out for our sports evening. The children arrived ready in their team colours and with mascots in tow. The fun began with field events for KS2 and track events for KS1, later swapping around. There was plenty of determination, lots of cheering each other on and some great personal bests. All the children did themselves proud, with blue team finally lifting the sports day trophy this year. Well done everyone and a big thanks to all the adults, ex pupils and friends of school who all helped out!
Sporting Values
Throughout sports evening the teachers were on the look out for children who demonstrated our sporting values of passion, determination, teamwork, self belief and respect. The children were recognised for these in our assembly today.
Kepplewray Residential - May 2024
The year 5/6 and 3 teachers were all very excited to head for the Lake District this week. We took part in lots of exhilarating activities from crate staking and archery to paddling boarding and ghyll scrambling. The children pushed themselves out of their comfort zones, tried things they never thought they would and learnt a lot about teamwork and communication. Everyone returned tired and but with lots of amazing memories. Head over to Class 3 page to see photos of the fun!
Quad Kids May 2024
This time the event was open to all of Key Stage 2 (year 3/4/5/6) and we took 17 children to compete in the quad kids event. They all completed a standing jump, howler throw, sprint and distance run. It was a lovely sunny (but windy) evening and the children all showed determination, resilience and a great sporting attitude throughout. The year 3/4 team finished in 3rd place, with the year 5/6 finishing in 2nd place in their respective age groups. Some great results!
Netball - April 2024
The mixed netball competitions are always popular and this year was no exception. We took 2 teams of keen participants, who grew in confidence and success as the event went on. They scored well, defended well and worked together as an effective team. Little Weighton finished the evening with a very respectable 3rd place.
Magic Moments
Thankfully the rain stopped just in time for the rugby to start! This weekend some of our pupils. parents and teachers headed to the home of Hull FC to cheer them on against Leeds Rhino! First we visited the lounge for a bit of face painting, balloon modelling and relaxing. It was then time to head onto the pitch to wave the flag (unfortunately we got the Leeds one!) before the rugby started. A good game followed, with only a narrow defeat for the home side. A fun afternoon for everyone!
Cross Country Finals
Five children made it through the first round to the cross country area finals. They were both excited and nervous, but all did Little Weighton proud, with excellent performances all round. Well done!
Tri Golf - February 2024
We headed to Cottingham High to try our hand at tri golf. We had a bit of coaching and then competed in teams in different putting and chipping challenges. We had great fun and progress to the next round in a few weeks time.
Sports Hall Athletics - January 2023
After a taster session in school from Cottingham High staff, the children were excited to go and compete against other schools. The children all put in 100% effort and were keen to try all the events - given the chance they would have tried them again and again! Excellent results in all the relays, throwing, jumping and speed bounce.. Well done team!
Year 5/6 Dodgeball Tournament - December 2023
The year 5 and 6 children headed to Cottingham for an inter-school dodgeball tournament. It didn't take them long to get into the swing of it and they held their own against the most fierce opponents. They didn't stop running.....or smiling, winning and drawing lots of games. Overall they finished an excellent 4th place. It was lots of fun! The teachers loved watching too (and were secretly wishing they could join in!) - well done team!
Girls Football Tournament
The girls have been practising their skills at lunchtime and in club, ready to take to the pitches at Cottingham High School against other local schools. With Harper valiantly taking on the role of goalkeeper, we were ready! We grew in confidence as the games went on, with some super running, dribbling and tackling! The team ended up a respectable 3rd and showed lots of team spirit along the way! Well done girls!
GB Athlete Visits Little Weighton - October 2023
Commonwealth & Invictus athlete, Sean Gaffney visited Little Weighton. Sean led a sponsored fitness circuit with all pupils and then shared his story in an assembly. He talked about overcoming adversity, about never giving up and his motto of 'Be good today, be better tomorrow.' He answered lots of questions from the children too.
The aim of the event was to inspire the pupils to be more physically active and to encourage them to discover and pursue their passions in life.
The athlete event was fantastic for connecting the pupils to an extraordinary athlete role model and gave us the opportunity to raise money to improve physical activity in the school, whilst also supporting both athletes and para-athletes, so that they can continue to inspire the next generation.
Cross Country - Autumn 2023
What a great start to the sporting year! Great effort and determination from all the children who went from Little Weighton, running a very long way without giving up!!! Some excellent personal results too with Annabelle coming 2nd in the year 3/4 race and a clean sweep in the year 5/6 girls with Leonie 1st, Harper 2nd, Isobel 3rd and Evie 5th! All these children will qualify for the next round! Well done everyone!
Wet P.E. - Summer Fun 2023
Sports Day Awards - May 2023
We enjoyed a fantastic evening of both field and track events for our sports evening. We were looking out for any of our Sports Games values of self belief, determination, teamwork, honesty, respect and passion demonstrated throughout the evening. Here are our award winners for some of these values, spotted by different members of staff. Well done - these are great to see!
Sports Day Photographs - Track and Field - May 2023
Here are some snapshots of the children competing in the track and field events on sports day. They all showed great team spirit, determination and passion.
A perfect sunny evening for rounders at Cottingham High. The children were a credit to the school, showing great team spirit and determination. Although we didn’t win, there was some great bowling, batting and fielding and we definitely improved as the evening went on. Although we all ended up on the floor in a heap, we all finished the evening smiling! A special mention to Jacob, our year 3, and Evie, our year 4, who stepped in to play our year 5 / 6 fixture so that we had a full team! You were brilliant!
Quad Kids
An amazing effort by 15 of our Key Stage Two children, competing in Quad Kids at Cottingham High - a vortex throw, standing long jump, sprint and 600m run. Well done everyone!
Tri Golf Victory
An amazing effort from the Little Weighton golfers who won the golf competition at Cottingham High School, against other local priarmy schools. Golf champions! Well done!
Indoor Athletics - January 2023
The year 5s and 6s enjoyed taking part in the indoor athletics competition at Cottingham High School. They took part in some relays, including an obstacle relay, standing long jump, a throwing activity and a speed bounce. The children were all very active participants and enjoyed the event!
For the first time maybe ever, or for a very long time, we were able to field 2 teams at the recent dodgeball event! This was thanks to the enthusiasm of the year 5 and 6 children! Well done to everyone who took part - there was some powerful throwing and super dodging and we were unlucky not to get through to the next round.
Bench Ball
Well done to our Year 3 and 4 children who competed with lots of enthusiasm, determination and skill at our cluster bench ball competition. They had some very close matches with a few wins, draws and only 1 loss. They finished third overall. Super stars!
Here is our dodgeball team that competed in our cluster competition. The competition was fierce but the children took it in their stride and finished in 3rd place. They demonstrated great teamwork and sportsmanship. They were all excellent representatives of the school. Well done.
Autumn Athletics
It was a nice sunny autumn day so we took the opportunity to take our athletics outside. Class 1 have been working on their running and jumping skills so this week it was throwing. We learnt about good techniques for throwing and then had a go with different equipment, including bean bags, balls, vortex and javelins. The wind made things a bit tricky at times but we improved our throws throughout the lesson.
Football Success Autumn 2022
Our Year 5 and 6 children eagerly took part in the inter schools 'small school' football competition. They played well as a team, supported each other and demonstrated excellent sporting spirit. They finished top and progress to the next round in the competition - well done everyone!
Cross Country Autumn 2022
Our first inter schools event this year was cross country for the Year 3/4/5/6 children. Lots of our children decided to give it a go and they all represented the school with a superb attitude and lots of determination and stamina. The rain just about held off and the children all finished the course! A special mention goes to Isobel and Harper who both qualified for the next round, the county final, in their age groups. An excellent effort!
Sports Leaders 2022
A big thank you to our sports leaders this year who have set a great example to the other children in school. They have taken part in lots of events themselves and used their experience to help run the events in our school, including organising, demonstrating, scoring and encouraging the younger children.
Little Weighton's Commonwealth Games - July 2022
We have been enjoying celebrating the upcoming Commonwealth Games with a week of our own. We have taken part in lots of different events including athletics, football, cricket, boccia, ultimate frisbee, the seated throw and the continuous relay. The children all put lots of effort in and showed lots of 'Games Spirit'. The year 6 children helped to lead the week as our Sports Leaders and are going to announce the results soon! Watch this space!
Swimming Awards
Well done to all our Key Stage 2 swimmers - they all got presented with their certificates in our Friday praise assembly.
Sports Day June 2022
It was a warm evening (with a bit of cooling rain) for Sports Evening this year! The children competed well in lots of different races from running and skipping to the sack and novelty race! They showed great team spirit, cheering each other on and collecting lots of stickers for their efforts. The final result was very close but this year Discovery Team were the winners! Well done everyone, including the willing parents who took part in the egg and spoon races too!
Quad Kids - May 2022
The Key Stage 2 children have been taking part in the Quad Kids event against other local schools. They competed in throwing, jumping and running events. They all gave 100% and finished all the events, even the long run, with some excellent times, distances and results. As always, they supported and encouraged each other, showing great sportsmanship. Well done everyone!
Inter-school Athletics - January 2022
Year 5 and 6 really enjoyed taking part in the inter-school athletics at Cottingham HIgh School with Dunswell Primary School. We took part enthusiastically in all the activities and everyone really enjoyed themselves - we even won a few events! We've also given Mrs Church a wish list of equipment! The children were a credit to Little Weighton - well done everyone!
Santa Dash (and the International Space Station)
It was 'National Christmas Jumper Day' so we all donned our Christmas jumpers and combined it with being active and having fun. We spotted Santa on our school field so went on a Santa dash, with prizes for the first to catch Santa! We completed lots of laps around the field, with Class 2 and 3 adding it to their tally on their mission to reach the International Space Station - 254miles. After weeks of running they made it! Super effort from all the children (and staff too!)
Benchball - November 2021
Year 3 and 4 enjoyed taking part in the inter-school benchball competition at Cottingham HIgh School. We got better each match and even won one! The children worked really hard and showed lots of team spirit. Well done everyone!
Dodgeball - Autumn 2021
A great effort from the Year 3 and 4 children at the Dodgeball competition at Cottingham High. Although we didn’t win, we played with lots of determination and team spirit. We had lots of fun too!
Cross Country - Autumn 2021
It was our first sporting event this year against other local schools and the Little Weighton children turned out in force - 20 of our Year 3/4/5/6 children competed in the cross country race. It was further than we all thought (the teachers were glad they weren’t running!) but the children showed real grit and determination to finish the course! They were a credit to the school in their attitude and support of one another, running each other to the finish line even when it wasn’t their race. A special mention to Harper who finished 2nd in her category and progressed to the next stage! Great effort all round!
Retro Sports Club
Thinking about games that used to be played.....and can still be played today, we have been having a go at hoop skipping, skipping rhymes, horse racing, french skipping, as well as having a go at a few tricks too.
What a Team!
The Year 3 and 4 children went to Cottingham High to play in a Benchball competition. They worked well as a team, demonstrated great sportsmanship and ended up as runner-ups. What a super effort!
Wake n Shake
Cosmic Yoga has been new this term as part of Wake n Shake. We have also been doing warm ups with Joe Wicks, as well as being led by the Year 6 children too.
Year 6 Sports Leaders
A big thank you to our year 6 who have been running lunchtime clubs for the other children in school for this half term. The rest of the children have been enjoying rugby, gymnastics, rounders, running and basketball and have had a great time and learnt lots!
Orienteering Champions!!
Having competed in 2 previous rounds Kian and Maddison made it to the final of the Humberside Games in orienteering....and they came in as the winners!!! What an achievement!
Multiskills Club
We’ve had fun trying out lots of different sports from netball to football to rugby and basketball. Here are a few pictures of us having fun and being active!
Dance Club
We have been having lots of fun in dance club this half term. One of our favourites is the 'Baby Shark Dance Battle' which gets faster and faster and faster! We are getting quite good at it!!
Here is another of our dances...
...and some of our favourite dance moves!!
Gymnastics Club
We have been having lots of fun learning gymnastics in sports club this half term. We have been practising different jumps (too quick to capture on camera) and have been working on our control and poise too. We have also been using different apparatus including beams and our big blue apparatus to travel in different ways. We are trying hard to look like proper gymnasts as we move around the hall.
Cross Country Competition at Cottingham High School Autumn 2018
Dodge ball competition at Cottingham High School Autumn 2018